Call for Proposal

Research and Community Service Funding Proposal for the Faculty of Islamic Studies, 2024

"Integrating Islamic Values in Contemporary Practices: Exploring Synergies in Education, Economics, Pilgrimage, Qur'anic Studies, Communication, and Counseling"

Focus Areas:
1. Islamic Education & Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
2. Islamic Law and Family Studies 
3. Islamic Economics, Business, and Finance
4. Islamic Communication and Da'wah
5. Islamic Counseling
6. Hajj and Umrah Studies
7. Qur'an and Tafsir Studies
8. Art and History
9. Exact and mathematical science
10. Language Studies
11. Other topics relevant to Islamic Studies

1. Applicants must be faculty members of FAI.
2. Each applicant is allowed to submit only one proposal (either research or community service), either as a chairman (with NIDN and Jafung) or as a member.
3. Each proposal must involve at least one student.
4. Applicants must have submitted their 2023 research or community service grant report to p2mfai@uika-bogo